Monday 29 April 2013

Pakeha Brand Butter and other sh*t

Yeah gidday,

Thought I'd take the time to check in with a wee update on all things Nugget.

The biggest thing in my life right now, by far, is excess baggage.
Not the emotional girly type, that would be much easier to deal with. This is the airline type where you pay sixty bucks to take a $5 pair of gruts to Europe. You love those undies though so there's really no option but to bite the bullet and pay through your ring to get a few home comforts to the other side of the world with you. I'm going into battle to see if I can minimise this cost when I fly out to Europe tomorrow, hopefully I've got the stronger fighting stamina at 4am in Wellington Airport.

I'm stopping in Korea on the way in to visit a fella about his rockets and see if I can't get him to park the pointy end of those things somewhere safe. After that's sorted I'll be touching down in Frankfurt briefly before heading down to Banyoles to see what racing over there is all about.

The last couple of days I've taken the opportunity to catch up with Mum and Dad and everything else Feilding has to offer, which is far to much to fit into a few days! Yesterday though, I almost fell off my bike when I came across quite the sight on the outskirts of town. Have a go at this!

The other key point I need to share with you is a term I coined a while back which came knocking today. Now, before you turn your nose up, take a moment to be honest with yourself, because chances are, if you've done more than the odd run, you've experienced 'sobing'... Today mid run my guts did a grumble and within a few short strides I realised I had a Shit-On-Board. The rest of my run would be spent in a tentative jog 'sobing' along, willing the porcelain office closer. Surely I'm not the only one who's experienced this annoying discomfort where the hardest working muscle is nothing to do with your forward progress that is running.

Glad to have that off my chest I should now really get to bed. I'm up at 3am for a quick jog before gearing up for battle with the check-in desk at the airport. Up at 3am?! Yes it's nuts but it's for more than just fun, I'll fill you in on that in the next episode.

Keep being awesome.
